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Perks and Their Uses
Perks and Their Uses

Perk 1

Special Grenades x3; Unlocked: Level 1- Allows user to carry three Special Grenades (Flare or Tabun)
Use- This perk isn't commonly seen, but can come in handy when you are in a tight spot.
Flares have three primary purposes:

1. Distraction. Signal Flares are very annoying, and bright. They work very well in situations where you want to blind the enemy, or get them to look elsewhere.

2. Mark a position/objective. Even though this function has become somewhat obsolete (you can now do this by going on the map and selecting a point), it can still help those who aren't in your squad. Throw on the position, and everyone will know where it is.

3. Eliminate darkness. If an area you feel is infested with enemies is too dark, simply throw the flare. It will turn night into day, and any hidden enemies will be revealed.

Tabun gas has one very large purpose:

1. Infiltrator. If you need to infiltrate an enemy position, you can somewhat blind them and slow them down by throwing a tabun. The downside is that you will be affected as well.

Satchel Charge x2; Unlocked: Level 1- Enables user to carry two satchel charges. These are detonated by remote.
Use- Satchel Charges aren't typically seen in an infantrymans arsenal, simply because the primary uses doesn't fit the infantrymans job. Even so, I don't expect you to stick with the model infantryman template, so I'll fill you in on its use. As far as I'm concerned, there are three main ways to use satchel charges:

1. Grenade. This is a somewhat difficult way to use satchel charges, but is effective. You simply throw it like a grenade and detonate it. The pros of doing this is the time it takes to explode it smaller than that of a grenade, and the blast radius is larger. The downsides of using satchel charges as grenades is that it takes a long time to throw them, and the range is very small.

2. Tank Destroyer. If you need to destroy an enemy tank, throw a satchel charge underneath it, or on its backside. If thrown underneath, the tank WILL blow up.

3. Ambush. This is a simple technique. Place your satchel charge on the ground, on a wall/ceiling, or in a vehicle. Sit back and wait for an enemy to get near your satchel charge and detonate it.

M9A1 Bazooka x2; Unlocked: Level 2- User will now carry a bazooka on his/her back, and will be able to fire two explosive rounds at an enemy.
Use- M9A1 Bazookas are yet another perk that isn't in an infantrymans arsenal in normal situations, but why should I expect you to be a concrete infantryman? The M9A1 Bazooka has two major uses in my opinion:

1. Tank Destroyer. Fire the explosive rounds at the backside of the tank for maximum damage. Unfortunately, these aren't very effective.

2. Mass Genocide. Use when you are outside of a building or structure that is teeming wit enemies. Aim at an opening and fire. Hopefully, you will kill at least one enemy.

Bomb Squad; Unlocked: Level 16- Allows user to see enemy explosive devices.
Use- This perk should be used by those who are planning on infiltrating enemy positions, because if the enemy has hunkered down somewhere, they will have planted some form of explosive device to slow down your advance. This perk really only has one use:

1. Infiltrator. Whether you are entering an enemy snipers position, or an enemies base, there will be defences to keep you out. If you are infiltrating, it helps to know where these defences are, so that you can promptly dispatch of them and continue your infiltration. The enemies explosive devices will appear with a skull marker over it.

Bouncing Betties x2; Unlocked: Level 24- Enables user to carry two bouncing betties. These bouncing betties will explode either when an enemy gets within close proximity of the betties, or when an enemy shoots them. Infantrymen don't carry bouncing betties, but you can if you wish.
Use- BBs should be used by those that are planning on camping. There is really only one major use:

1. Defense. If you are camping, it helps to be able to have something (or someone) covering your back. That's what BBs do. Place them where enemies won't see them, like beside doors, and wait.

Bandolier; Unlocked: Level 40- User now carries additional ammunition for primary and secondary weapons.
Use- This perk comes in handy for all infantrymen who are able to stay alive for extended periods of time. if you find you are constantly running out of ammo, this perk will become your friend. There is one use for this perk:

1. Survivalist. Whether you are camping, rushing, or whatever, if you find that you are staying alive for a long time, you will probably also find that you are running low on ammo. This perk fixes that, and allows you to use your weapon for a longer amount of time.

Primary Grenades x2; Unlocked: Level 44- Allows user to carry an extra primary grenade (Frag, Sticky, or Molotav).
Use- This perk is actually a very good perk for an infantryman. There are two main uses for the frag:

1. Spam. This perk gives you an extra grenade that you can simply throw in the general area of the enemy.If you think you know where an enemy is, but are too far away to shoot him (he is behind cover as well), simply lob a grenade in his direction. I do not advise the use of this technique.

2. Control. Lets say you are approaching a building, and then you see a muzzle flash from inside. Begin cooking a grenade while you are approaching, and when it reaches the second or third pulse, ricochet it off the wall/ceiling. If done correctly, it will give you a kill everytime.

There are also two main uses for the stcky grenade:

1. Tank Destroyer. Throw on the back of a tank for maximum damage. The grenade will stick and deliver a significent amount of damage to the tank.

2. Anti-infantry. The cool thing about this grenade is that it sticks to everything. If you hit an enemy with it, it will stick to him. Congratulations, you just got a kill.

I do not use molotavs, but I believe there is only one use:

1. Anti-infantry. Throw at an enemy. In Core, you better hope for a direct hit. In Hardcore, the molotav is capable of taking out multiple enemies.

M2 Flamethrower; Unlocked: Level 65- Enables user to carry the M2 Flamethrower, which can be used to burn enemy infantry and dogs. Not exactly a perk for an infantryman, but hey, that probably won't stop you.
Use- This perk really only has one use:

1. Burn 'em out. If an enemy (or enemies) is camped out in a building, you can use the flamethrower to kill them in a wave of fire. The cool thing about this perk is that it never runs out, but it does overheat.

Perk 2

Stopping Power; Unlocked: Level 1- Gives user increased bullet damage.
Use- This is probably the most useful and most common of all the perks used by riflemen. As it is unlocked at a low level, everyone has access to it. This perk should be used by those who are happy with their weapons fire rate, and wish to kill enemies faster.

Fireworks; Unlocked: Level 1- User now has increased explosive damge, and blast radius is increased.
Use- Not commonly seen or used, this perk should be used if you are using the Grenade Launcher as if it were your primary weapon (not recommended), or if you want a lot of grenade kills. I don't recommend it though.

Flack Jacket; Unlocked: Level 1- If you are using Flack Jacket, explosives now do less damage.
Use- Not commonly seen or used, this perk should be used if you are constantly being blown up by something, or if you just want to survive explosions. Hint: The MP40 is a 2 hit kill at close range without SP....so you could use this perk.

Gas Mask; Unlocked: Level 2- The effects of Tabun gas are decreased.
Use- Yet another perk not commonly seen or used, this perk should be used if you know that Tabun gas will be used against you, or if you have Tabun gas and want to run through it, slaughtering your enemies with little trouble. Hint: MP40

Juggernaut; Unlocked: Level 4- Gives the user increased health.
Use- This perk should be used if you want to stay alive longer. Sometimes, you may not want more firepower (SP), but you will want more health (Juggernaut).

Camoflauge; Unlocked: Level 12- If equipped, the user won't show up on radar when an enemy calls up a recon plane.
Use- Use this perk if you are planning on being stealthy. If you want to move behind enemy lines without them knowing this may be perfect for you. Another bonus is that the enemy typically uses the recon plane extensively, so if you don't show up on it, you will catch them off guard.

Sleight of Hand; Unlocked: Level 28- Decreases users reload time.
Use- This isn't exactly the best infantryman perk, as it is better used with Machine Guns, but if you find reloading a tedious process, you might want to use it. Remember, in a firefight, reloading is the last thing you want to do. The faster you reload, the less time you are vulnerable.

Shades; Unlocked: Level 32- Reduces effects of signal flares.
Use- I do not recommend this perk for anyone. Its only use is if you are constantly being blinded by signal flares, which is unlikely.

Double Tap; Unlocked: Level 36- Increases fire rate of the users firearm.
Use- Some weapons, you may find, just don't fire fast enough. If you feel this is the case, you might want to consider this perk.

Overkill; Unlocked: Level 56- Allows user to carry two primary weapons.
Use- If you want to be able to eliminate targets at both short and long range very effectively, this perk allows you to do so. Use a SMG and a rifle, and fire away.

Perk 3

Deep Impact; Unlocked: Level 1- User recieves increased bullet penetration.
Use- Sometimes you will find that an enemy is hiding behind cover. "No problem", you say, for you have deep impact.

Extreme Conditioning; Unlocked: Level 1- User recieves increased sprint time.
Use- If you need to get to a position or objective quickly (before the enemy), you can use this perk. It also helps with retreating, because you can sprint for a longer time, and can outdistance your pursuers.

Steady Aim; Unlocked: Level 1- Users weapon recieves increased accuracy when firing from the hip.
Use- This perk works great if you constantly find yourself in CQC. The more you hit your enemy, the greater the chance you have of killing him.

Toss Back; Unlocked: Level 7- Resets grenade fuse to 3 seconds.
Use- For fun, you can throw a grenade at the ground and continuously pick it up....it will never explode. For a serious use, if you encounter an enemys grenade, you can pick it up and throw it back no problem.

Second Chance; Unlocked: Level 10- Before death, you will drop down and have the oppurtunity to eliminate the enemy with your pistol. Also, if a teammate has Second Chance, you can both revive each other.
Use- If you want to have another oppurtunity at getting a kill, this perk would be it. It also helps that you can get revived so that you can fight another day.

Martyrdom; Unlocked: Level 20- After death, you will drop a live grenade.
Use- After infiltrating an enemy position, you will often find yourself being killed (after getting a few kills yourself, of course). Once killed, you will drop a grenade, and hopefully, your grenade will dispose of your killer,

Fireproof; Unlocked: Level 48- Reduces fire damage.
Use- This perk is somewhat useless, becuase the only people who have flamethrowers are level 65 (uncommon), or get a lucky throw with a molotav (maybe skillful throw).

Dead Silence; Unlocked: Level 52- User will now run silently.
Use- If you are going for complete stealth, this will help a lot. A majority of the very good players in CoD will listen for your footsteps. If you don't make the noise, they won't know you're coming until it's too late.

Iron Lungs; Unlocked: Level 60- User can hold his/her breath for longer periods of time.
Use- Unfortunately, this perk is only useful on sniper rifles. Since no infantryman uses sniper rifles, this perk will be labeled as useless.

Reconnaissance; Unlocked: Level 64- User can see tanks, dogs, and artillery strikes on the radar.
Use- If you want to avoid these things, this perk'll let you do just that.

Map Strategery

Take cover often, and engage enemies at a distance. This map will be littered with snipers, who will often camp in the "Admin Building" and the "Managers Office", so be sure to keep an eye out for them. As long as you engage targets at medium-to-longe range, you'll do fine.

Recommended Class:

Gewehr 43 w/Aperture
.357 Magnum
Stopping Power
Steady Aim

If you are rushing, stay out of the open. If you are in the open, be prepared to be picked off by an opposing sniper or rifleman. If you find yourself in the open, duck behind cover, then advance. Have your friendlies provide suppressing fire so that you can move to a safe place. As long as you stay out of the open, you should be able to perform quite well.

Recommended Class:

PPSh 41 w/Drum
.357 Magnum
Stopping Power
Steady Aim

Stay back, preferably behind the cover of the broken walls by the "Back Offices" or "Bedrooms". Use the walls as cover and pick off all enemies in your sight. The majority of enemies on this map will use SMG's, so be prepared for a rough fight.

Recommended Class:

M1 Garand w/bayonet
Personal Preference
Stopping Power
Steady Aim

If you are rushing, be prepared for one heck of a fight. Almost everyone will be rushing, so you need to be aware of your surroundings and quick to the trigger. Stay away from the outside areas, because more than likely, someone is waiting there for you.

Recommended Class:

Thompson w/Drum
Personal Preference
Primary Grenade x2
Stopping Power
Steady Aim

This map is ideal for any rifleman, because the majority of firefights will occur at medium to long range. Avoid going up to the "Crow's Nest" or "Eagle's Perch", because the enemy will be looking for you there. Make sure you keep a watch on these positions because the enemy WILL go up there, and will then be yet another one of your victims.

Recommended Class:

M1A1 Carbine w/bayonet
Personal Preference
Stopping Power
Deep Impact

This map is somewhat difficult for rushing, but once you get used to the flow of the game, it become quite easy. You can be certain that enemy snipers will take up position in the "Crow's Nest" or "Eagle's Perch", so all you have to do is rush up there and take them out. Stay away from open areas (like the "Altar") for the most success.

Recommended Class:

Thompson w/suppressor
Colt .45
Frag x2
Stopping Power
Dead Silence

A rifleman's paradise, this map features lots of open areas. This makes it perfect for picking off enemies at medium to long range. Stay behind cover, or hide in tall foliage and pick off your enemies. They won't know what hit them.

Recommended Class:

StG44 w/aperture
Personal Preference
M2 Flamethrower
Stopping Power
Second Chance

This map is somewhat difficult to rush on, but it is more than manageable. Stay out of the open (mainly the area down the middle of the map), unless you want to be picked off by opposing snipers. If running through the "Cliffs", hide behind the numerous rocks as you advance. The "Upper Pass" is also your friend, becasue it gives you a clear path to take out snipers in the "Mausoleum", or by the "Waterfall".

Recommended Class:

Type 100 w/silencer
Personal Preference
Bomb Squad
Extreme Conditioning

For this map, it is best to stay behind cover. It would be preferable to stay back by the "Main Stairs" or "Main Gate", because you can see every enemy that is coming your way.

Recommended Class:

SVT 40 w/Aperture
.357 Magnum
Bouncing Betties
Stopping Power
Second Chance

Close-quarters reigns supreme on this map. Almost every enemy you encounter will be a rusher, so you need to be quick to the trigger. Try to flank your enemy by using either the "Bamboo Courtyard" or the "Wheelbarrow Courtyard". These two paths will lead you to the enemies side of the map, and allow you to flank them.

Recommended Class:

MP40 w/Extended Clip
Personal Preference
Double Tap
Steady Aim

This map is definately not a rifleman's best friend. The map is designed for CQC, so a rifle isn't the best choice. It is, however, possible to dominate with a rifle. I find that by camping in the "Sniper Balcony" or the "HQ/Pipe Room", one can be very successful on this map.

Recommended Class:

M1A1 Carbine w/bayonet
.357 Magnum
Bouncing Betties
Stopping Power
Steady Aim

This map is your heaven...and your hell. Enemies will be coming from all directions, so you need to be quick on the trigger and you need to make your shots count. Keep moving if you want to see the most success.

Recommended Class:

Thomson w/Drum
Personal Preference
Bomb Squad
Stopping Power
Steady Aim

With all the open areas and areas ideal for cover, this map works well with riflemen. Stay behind cover, and watch out for snipers by the "Opera Steps", "Office Building", or "Reichstag". Camp in "Luftwaffe Office", "Bunker", or "Memorial" if you have to.

Recommended Class:

StG44 w/Aperture
Personal Preference
Stopping Power
Extreme Conditioning

Keep moving. That is the only advice I can give you for this map that isn't obvious. Use cover of course....watch out for snipers. But really, just keep moving. Oh yeah, and watch out for tanks.

Recommended Class:

PPSh 41 w/Drum
Personal Preference
Bazooka x2
Double Tap

I find that if you sort of camp in the hangar, you will find a lot of success as a rifleman. The enemy will continue pouring in, so you'll never run out of enemies to eliminate. If you don't want to do this, you can always use the "Barracks".

Recommended Class:

M1A1 Carbine w/Aperture
Personal Preference
Stopping Power
Steady Aim

This map is great for Rushers. Use the path by the "Batteries" to flank your anemy and eliminate them.

Recommended Class:

MP40 w/Aperture
Personal Preference
Steady Aim

Stay back by the "Shrine" or the two "Storage Huts" for the most success. You may also find success if you use the "Pizza Hut" to pick off targets camping by the "Shrine".

Recommended Class:

M1 Garand w/bayonet
.357 Magnum
Primary Grenade x2
Stopping Power

Use the water, or the "Creek" to flank your opponents, or rush straight toward the "Pizza Hut", elimate all enemies there, then have your team gain control of it. If you control the "Pizza Hut", you have access to every place on the map.

Recommended Class:

Thompson w/Drum
Colt .45
Stopping Power
Steady Aim


With the large amount of open spaces, this map is ideal for riflemen. Use the same tactics you used for Downfall on this map for most success.

Recommended Class:

StG44 w/Telescopic Sight
Personal Preference
Stopping Power
Second Chance

Stick to the inside of building, such as the "Church". This way you won't be picked off by snipers, but when they move to get to a new position, you'll be there ready to eliminate them.

Recommended Class:

Thompson w/Drum
Colt .45
Stopping Power

Use the same tactics as you did for Outskirts.

Recommended Class:

M1A1 Carbine w/Box Magazine
Personal Preference
M2 Flamethrower
Stopping Power
Steady Aim

Stick to the buildings and side paths, and you'll do fine. Stay out of the open, and camp if you have to.

Recommended Class:

Type 100 w/Aperture
Personal Preference
Stopping Power
Steady Aim

Stay back. Maybe camp in the "Corn/Wheat Field", or on the "Bridge".

Recommended Classes:

SVT 40 w/Aperture
Personal Preference
Stopping Power
Second Chance

Travel through the "Bunker", and use the "Corn/Wheat Field" for cover.

Type 100 w/Aperture
Personal Preference
Bomb Squad
Steady Aim

Stay back, and use the numerous broken walls for cover. Pick off targets at long range.

Recommended Class:

StG44 w/Telescopic Sight
Personal Preference
Stopping Power
Second Chance

Stick to the buildings and keep moving.

Recommended Class:

PPSh 41 w/Drum
Personal Preference
Double Tap
Steady Aim

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